Joint Industry Currencies

The Joint Industry Currencies are unique. The industry created them to provide audience numbers and trading metrics for each advertising medium.

They are owned and developed by the communications industry. Advertisers, agencies and media owners work in concert to deliver one, credible and objective trading currency for each medium.

As well as creating the standard metrics that serve as the bedrock for evaluating and trading advertising media, the joint industry currencies also provide critical inputs that enable advertisers and their agencies to understand the effectiveness of cross-media marketing campaigns.

How they are built and how they work is open to scrutiny – they are transparent in what they do. The currencies are the most robust and comprehensive datasets available. Each is produced and offered at cost, delivering unrivalled value for money.

The UK Joint Industry Currencies are ABC, Barb, JICMAIL, JICPOPS, JICREG, JICWEBS, PAMCo, RAJAR and Route.