Total Identified Viewing summary

Where * is shown, the figures are small but not zero.

Data is for All Individuals aged 4+ against Multi-Channel Universe.

Reach and time spent viewing - All aged 4+

Source: Barb Online Multiple Screens Network

Total broadcaster viewing represents the time spent watching linear broadcast channels and broadcaster-owned VOD services (BVOD). This includes live viewing, as well as pre- and post broadcast viewing, and viewing to archive box-sets on a BVOD service. We capture and report this viewing across four screens — TV sets, tablets, PCs and smartphones. For tagged services, this includes any streaming regardless of whether it was through the home WiFi network.

Total SVOD/AVOD viewing is a new definition that reflects our ability to track how people watch VOD services provided by streaming businesses. We collect time spent viewing 19 VOD services most of which rely on subscription income. We report viewing on all four screens, although it’s important to note this only includes viewing through a home’s WiFi network.

Total video-sharing viewing includes viewing — again on all four screens — to platforms such as TikTok, Twitch and YouTube. Our audience reporting for video-sharing platforms only includes viewing through a home WiFi network.